Added information about models covered by a different diagnostic tool
2024-05-28 1.0.21578
Improved input dialog functionality. Allowed to paste data/strings using ctrl+v.
2024-01-08 1.0.21569
Application crash fixed: Input dialog for coding functions.
2023-11-13 1.0.21503
Improved ECU assignment for 2019+ petrol engine ECUs (Bosch MED17/MD1CSxxx, Continental EMS24xx)
2023-09-28 1.0.21429
Improved error message when fault codes cannot be cleared due to unmet conditions.
2023-07-17 1.0.21394
Added a large number of unrecognized units
2023-05-25 1.0.21385
Autoscan now distinguishes between ECUs where reading DTC failed and ECUs without DTC memory function
2023-03-14 1.0.21315
Reworked user interface scaling algorithm
2023-02-08 1.0.21224
Added feature request button for customers who wish to report useful, yet missing functions
2022-12-14 1.0.21055
Improved live data functionality: last choice is remembered between reconnections.
FoCOM Interface Upgrade
The new interface supports latest Ford protocols (as of 2012) and covers the latest models such as Ford Focus 2012 or Mondeo 2011. It also supports a lot of new features such as CAN-BUS test (not supported by previous interface). We will support pre-2012 interfaces for at least 2 years (this means that FoCOM is guaranteed to work with old interfaces until 2014), however we recommend to upgrade before your interface becomes obsolete and unsupported. You will get a lot of new features!
You can easily distinguish between pre-2012 and 2012+ interface. The new version has full-size B USB connector and has bigger housing (previous version is smaller and has mini-USB B connector).
Important notice: Interface upgrade is NOT possible for FoCOM counterfeit interfaces. If you have not purchased FoCOM from us and you have doubts if you have genuine FoCOM interface, please do not hesitate to contact us
We will ship replacement ("upgrade") interface after we receive both payment and the old interface from the customer. Customer is responsible for delivering the old interface to our office (registered post is recommended). Please do not forget to include your order number when shipping the old interface.
FCOM-INT-UP | FCOM diagnostic interface upgrade | €149.00 EUR / $165.00 USD | 1 |